Validity And Reliability Pdf
validity and reliability pdf

Os resultados demonstraram bons índices de validade de conteúdo para as questões avaliadas (IVC>0,80). Em relação à validade de conteúdo, 4 especialistas na área da Ginástica Artística avaliaram a lista de checagem utilizando-se da técnica Delphi. The.O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a validade de conteúdo, a confiabilidade e a validade de construto de uma lista de checagem para avaliação do Rolamento Peixe. To some degree, the types of validity This study aims to estimate the validity and determine the reliability of chemical test instruments oriented Next Generation. There is much debate about (a) which types of validity apply to which types of research, (b) the relative priority of types of validity, and (c) the interrelation of the types (Pedhazur & Schmelkin, 1991). Validity of causes or effects (often considered under internal validity).

Validity And Reliability Pdf From CED

Handbook of curriculum evaluation By None Publication dateAprendizagem Destreza motora Reprodutibilidade de testes ChecklistPlanning methods for any research requires the adoption of instruments and the development of procedures that ensure reliable results for the investigated phenomenon. 2.3 Triangulation in case study Triangulation is defined to be a validity procedure where researchers search for View validity and reliability - compilation.pdf from CED 000 at University Of the City of Manila (Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila). Desta forma, conclui-se que a lista de checagem é válida e confiável para a avaliação da habilidade motora proposta.process, the elements of construct validity, internal validity, external validity and reliability is the strategy used to enhance the validity and reliability issue (Yin, 1994, 2009, 2012). Foram aplicados os testes Alfa de Cronbach e Análise Fatorial Exploratória com rotação Varimax, a qual indicou boa consistência interna ( α=0,76) e a existência de três fatores que explicam a lista de checagem. Por fim, para a validade de construto, 156 vídeos da habilidade foram analisados utilizando a lista de checagem. Os resultados demonstraram concordância intra (ICC>0,80) e inter avaliadores (ICC>0,90).

Movimento 2001 7(15): 9-20. Organização espaço temporal do rolamento para frente. Broadly speaking, to execute rolling skills, the head and the trunk must perform flexions and extensions in a coordinated manner to reach an angular movement 1 1 Perotti Junior A, Pellegrini AM. Thus, this research aimed to check the content validity, reliability and construct validity of a checklist for dive roll evaluation in artistic gymnastics (AG).Said skill was chosen due to the amount and diversity of elements that it has, and to its distinction within the motor repertoire of most children. Moreover, a valid and reliable instrument may help in many other contexts, such as those linked to practice, providing a support to physical education teachers and sport instructors.It is understood that scientific development, as well as professional activity, especially in the Motor Learning field, lack measurement instruments that are valid and reliable. In this line of thought, the construction and validation of checklists for qualitative evaluation of motor skills may help researchers in the Physical Education field, since it would ensure a more objective evaluation on the execution of the motor skill to be learned.

However, gymnastics skills are rarely practiced in school environments, especially because of their intrinsic difficulties, such as fear and lack of preparation, in addition to the scarcity of materials that teachers deal with to teach these skills 3 3 Schiavon L, Nista-Piccolo VL. Movimento e percepção 2008,9(13):190-199. A importância da ginastica geral na escola e sua importância para crianças e adolescentes. Mastering the execution of this skill brings positive influences to a child’s motor repertoire 2 2 Ramos ESH, Viana HB.

In addition to the lack of validity of the checklist in question, it is worth pointing out that no other instrument for motor skill evaluation in AG was found in the Brazilian literature, hindering the conduction of studies on the skills of the modality, as well as the practice of professionals, especially in educational contexts.Understanding the importance that gymnastics skills have to motor development, as its acquisition would facilitate the learning of more complex skills, broadening an individual’s performance possibilities 3 3 Schiavon L, Nista-Piccolo VL. Despite the relevance and possibilities that the instrument provides in the practice environment, it still lacks validation for its effective use. Curitiba: Universidade Federal do Paraná 2007., originally built with five steps: a) impulse b) flight c) landing d) roll and e) finish. Dicas de aprendizagem na aquisição do rolamento peixe por crianças com Transtorno do Desenvolvimento da Coordenação. DOI: 10.22456/1982-8918.3572, combined with the absence of a reliable instrument that may make it easier to track the acquisition of these skills during the learning process.An instrument that evaluates the dive roll is the checklist designed by Medina-Papst 4 4 Medina-Papst J.

Psicometria: teoria dos testes na psicologia e na educação. Rev Bras Gest N 2006 8(20):1-12.6 Pasquali L. Sobre confiabilidade e validade. In general, the concept of validity refers to the degree to which an instrument measures what is intended to be measured, and this guarantee for researchers may be checked by means of different pieces of evidence, namely: content validity, criterion validity and construct validity 5 5 Martins GA. DOI: 10.22456/1982-8918.3572, it is believed that the validation proposed by the study will help in professional practice, as well as in the conduction of further studies.Nevertheless, it is known that determining the validity and reliability of an instrument is a complex process, and both are dependent on its purpose, on the interpretation of results that the instrument proposes, and on its use.

Psicometria: teoria dos testes na psicologia e na educação. It can be measured through the analysis of behavioral representation, which is basically done by means of two tests: factor analysis test and internal consistency analysis of the test 6 6 Pasquali L. Letras hoje 2009 44(3):86-93. Construção e validação de instrumentos: um desafio para psicolinguística. DOI: 10.1590/S0080-62342009000500002Construct validity allows verifying the meaning of the test 8 8 Raymundo VP. Rev Esc Enferm USP 2009b 43(esp):992-999.

validity and reliability pdf

Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes, 2009a.Criterion validity refers to the instrument degree of efficacy in predicting an individual’s performance. Psicometria: teoria dos testes na psicologia e na educação. In its turn, exploratory factor analysis seeks to verify how many common constructs are present in the instrument and to “evaluate” certain aspects of the phenomenon that is supposed to be studied, expressed by means of covariances 6 6 Pasquali L. Porto Alegre: Artmed 2007. Fundamentos da testagem psicológica. Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes, 2009a., internal consistency analysis aims to verify the correlation of a test item with the other items or with the test overall result the two tests most commonly used for said measurement are KR-20 and Cronbach’s alpha 9 9 Urbina S.

The great difficulty about checking this type of validity is the existence of valid tests that measure the same variable as the instrument that is supposed to be validated 6 6 Pasquali L. Letras hoje 2009 44(3):86-93. Construção e validação de instrumentos: um desafio para psicolinguística. Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes, 2009a. Psicometria: teoria dos testes na psicologia e na educação.

This validation step takes place in two phases: the phase for studying and constructing the instrument, and the phase when the instrument is evaluated by specialists 10 10 Alexandre NMEC, Coluci MZO. Rev Bras Gest N 2006 8(20):1-12. Sobre confiabilidade e validade. DOI: 10.1590/S0080-62342009000500002Finally, content validity seeks to verify the degree to which the instrument evidences a specific domain of content 5 5 Martins GA. Rev Esc Enferm USP 2009b 43(esp):992-999. Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes, 2009a.

Construção de instrumentos de medida na área da saúde. DOI: 10.1590/S1413-81232011000800006, 11 11 Coluci MZO, Alexandre NMEC, Milani D. Ciên Saúde Colet 2011 16(7):2061-2068.

Métodos de pesquisa em atividade física. A good indicator for the analysis of these assumptions (trustworthiness and objectivity) can be obtained through the intraclass correlation coefficient 12 12 Thomas JR, Nelson JK, Silverman SJ. Over time (trustworthiness), or by means of the same rater (objectivity). Rev Bras Gest N 2006 8(20):1-12. Sobre confiabilidade e validade. DOI: 10.1590/1413-81232015203.04332013Additionally to validity, it is important to verify the reliability of the instrument, which represents the coherence that the instrument has, shown by the consistency of results 5 5 Martins GA.

validity and reliability pdf